Fortunately, such a checkup exists, found at This is from our friends at Nehemiah Institute. It only takes about 20 minutes. There is a small fee, $17.76 per user. This is being taken by individuals, churches, small groups, Christian schools 9th – 12th grades, and Bible studies across America.
Follow these steps:
Go to:
Click the Start Here button and read about the exam (PEERS Test), then click Get Started Now.
Complete the Profile section, then start the exam, total of 70 statements Read carefully, then select answer. Agree or Disagree.
As soon as you finish, you will get a popup Scorecard, TOTALLY confidential. No one, not even staff at Nehemiah Institute sees individual answers or results.
At the bottom of the Scorecard, it shows which statements were incorrectly answered identified by a red box with a “D” inside. Many of the statement numbers will be in BOLD. That means there is a professionally developed Position Paper giving biblical instruction on why the statement should be marked Agree or Disagree. Just tap on the bold statement number to bring up the Position Paper. Worldview Checkup is both an assessment and training program.
Both the Scorecard and the Position Papers may be saved or printed. The Scorecard Report also includes a list of all 70 test items for your review.
Three key benefits for doing this:
You get a comprehensive Scorecard on your worldview position, by the only professionally validated worldview measurement instrument in existence.
Teaching papers written by biblical scholars (read Why Believe Nehemiah tab).
You will be better equipped to engage the battle on the worldview shift in our nation.
If any questions, you may contact