As a parent/legal guardian, you have the constitutional right to opt-out of any of the following content under the guise of:

  1. Data Mining Surveys

  2. Sexuality Education

  3. Social-Emotional Learning Wellness Circles

  4. School Counseling

  5. Universal Screenings

What Can You Do? Opt-Out of?

In-Class and State Wellness Surveys: Data is collected on your child and family. This information can be shared with third parties and is part of your child’s permanent record. These surveys allow schools to collect mental health data to create a psychological profile of your child.

Sexuality Education: The National Sexuality Education Standards were written by the ACLU, Human Rights Campaign, and Planned Parenthood in partnership with the United Nations. It teaches that children are sexual at birth and have sexual rights.

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL): Wellness circles occur in the classroom, usually at the beginning of the day, to work through any emotions or feelings the children are dealing with. These circles can and do focus on self-reporting, exploring relationships, sharing what makes them anxious, and how to be kind. Some circles include mindfulness, which is transcendental meditation.

School Counseling: TIE suggests you opt-out of all school counseling. Training for all counselors comes directly from the American School Counseling Association, down to the state counseling organization, which trains all state counselors. Diversity and equity are woven throughout their training model.

Universal Screenings: If your state allows universal screening of students, it is important that you opt your child out. When a universal screening is done, the parent does not need to be notified or give permission. These screenings are another way of data mining information on your child.

Who Receives The Form?

  1. The Principal, Counselor, and Teacher. 

  2. Truth In Education suggests you send the opt-out form by certified mail with a return receipt required for evidence that the school received your directive. Sending the form by email is another option. Either method gives proof that you submitted the opt-out form for your child. Request that the form become part of your child’s permanent record.

Submit Your Contact Information Below to Download Your Opt-Out Form.